I believe it might make some people uncomfortable if I write about the "conflicts", the troubles which have made themselves clear after the accident. I would say simply that there have been a series of occasions which developed into sets of conflicts among the people involved, including not only the foreign climbers (Koreans and Polish as well) and the hired Sherpas but also people of the agencies in Kathmandu and in Seoul. Here, I would rather mention a few thoughts on, in particular, the scheme of development of conflicts.
What would define the condition as a conflict? A tentative answer is: fluctuation of emotions.
How the Sherpa has dead, and what the death have meant, was never identical, as well as not equally empathetic, to all of us. Some people said, "Polish do not know mountain"; others say "Sherpas are lying"; for still others "Some Koreans are crazy", and so on. Moreover, each of their assertions have changed into another expressions with other impressions as time goes from the beginning, or rather at the earliest stage when any had in one's mind a climbing activity, to the last stage an individual subject could remind on any occasion of its past.
People say: We want to know the truth, what really happened as they were. For them, any development of ideas perhaps based on a different recognition of the "truth" is, by definition, wrong, and needs to be corrected, by an injection of truthful knowledge. According to this wide-spread habit of thought, the past is there as an objective, universal.
This is where relatively few thinkers in the history of human thoughts have tried to overcome, say, the Kantian original-and-replica dualism and by which to clear out any assumptions unquestioned on the nature of human being.
What would define the condition as a conflict? A tentative answer is: fluctuation of emotions.
How the Sherpa has dead, and what the death have meant, was never identical, as well as not equally empathetic, to all of us. Some people said, "Polish do not know mountain"; others say "Sherpas are lying"; for still others "Some Koreans are crazy", and so on. Moreover, each of their assertions have changed into another expressions with other impressions as time goes from the beginning, or rather at the earliest stage when any had in one's mind a climbing activity, to the last stage an individual subject could remind on any occasion of its past.
People say: We want to know the truth, what really happened as they were. For them, any development of ideas perhaps based on a different recognition of the "truth" is, by definition, wrong, and needs to be corrected, by an injection of truthful knowledge. According to this wide-spread habit of thought, the past is there as an objective, universal.
This is where relatively few thinkers in the history of human thoughts have tried to overcome, say, the Kantian original-and-replica dualism and by which to clear out any assumptions unquestioned on the nature of human being.
As the mountains we never be able to acknowledge
Sliding rock: it is something, say, may be funny, or frighten us. We make something fun, or be surprised by, for which we do feel unavowable quality to a certain extent.