Monday, March 25, 2013

Fieldwork Hardship

I have joined another journey, right after back to Kathmandu from Mt. Everest.  The journey was to instruct students (of course adults) on a smaller mountain in Langtang area, northern part of Nepal, with other Korean instructors.  It was rather short period -- 15 days -- and easier.  But difficult to motivate myself in.  Below is an excerpt from my diary.

Is it really difficult to conduct high-altitude mountaineering and anthropological fieldwork side by side?  I find I become inattentive to jot down everything detailed onto my note.  As for climbing, continued tensions of climbing seemed have made me almost fully seasoned.  Or, do I not feel tension because I am rather inside of the continued tension?  Even at this instructing program, I care little about climbing, but more on my lovers, philosophical themes, payment and money, equipment and clothes, and relationship with students and others.

I feel a necessity of days for taking breath, calmly thinking over, and thereafter founding a basis again.

At the Yala Peak base camp
10. 31. 2012.

with other instructors. photo by Kim Jong-O.

at the high camp of Yala peak.  the peak seen behind is Langtang Lirung

at the summit of Yala peak.  photo by Kim Jong-O.

at a Kathmandu hotel.  photo by Kim Jong-O.

1 comment:

  1. You believe in relationship more in times of hardship... amazing!
